近年 沖縄で発祥した伝統文化 空手道・古武道は 世界中に拡がり
是非 学んでみたいという方がたくさんいらっしゃいます。
武器を持たない武術(護身術)として 琉球王国時代から守り継がれている
彼らのほとんどは 空手 = 闘う と思っていたようですが、元来 心技体が一体となった 琉球空手は、礼に始まり礼に終わる
受けに始まり 受けに終わる 空手に先手なし と表現されます。
これまでの留学生の体験を通して ぜひ沖縄の歴史を垣間見てはいかがでしょうか・・・
Recently, the number of people who want to learn the Okinawa Karate has been increased in the world. That’s why it was spread to be known that Karate was born in Okinawa as one of a traditional culture all over the world.
Martial arts for protecting ourselves without any tools have taken over from the elder generations to the younger generations since Ryukyu dynasty.
Now is the time when everybody can take a chance to learn the Okinawa Karate !!
We will introduce some students who had experienced to take a lesson at our dojo.
Each purpose was different, but it was sure that each of mind were filled with
good impressions through by Karate experience.
Let's get together to share the precious time with us!!
We are always waiting for any requests from the world. Thank you in advance.
空手留学等 体験者 詳細
@オジャ【6ヶ月】 Aジョセフ【現在留学中】 Bミゲル【2週間】 Dジェイムス2014.James Clark【6週間】EケイティーさんKathy 【約1ヶ月】
シンガポールのKathy さんが来沖され
日本語もかなり堪能だったので 他の門下生とも
関わらず 帰国する頃にはものすごく上達していました。
空手を習得するコツを掴んでいたKathyさんです。 |
Start Date: 10 Feb 2014 End Date: 12 Mar 2014
I am an older student of karate but have only been studying for about 3 years. I had an opportunity to visit Okinawa for 6 weeks and since I had been studying Master Gibo's DVDs, I asked permission to train at Gibo Dojo while I was in Okinawa.
My experience training at Gibo Dojo was wonderful. The students and teachers were all warm and friendly and made me feel welcome at once. The dojo is an excellent training facility with first class equipment. It is very exciting to be in the dojo, but the excitement and warmth grows as the class begins to fill the floor. Respect for everyone is emphasized as each student and teacher bows to and greets each other as they enter the dojo. The nervousness begins to disappear as Master Gibo leads the class in stretching and warm up exercises. As we begin practicing kata or kobudo, the teachers carefully observe each student and suggest ways to improve both style and technique.
Misako Sensei is wonderful at providing careful instruction on basic techniques and correct style and gave me extra "homework" to help correct my bad habits. I am very thankful for her instruction and will work hard to improve my karate. She is a very talented Sensei and truly cares about the students.
Kakazu Sensei very patiently provided instruction that also corrected style differences and emphasized correct technique. He always made me laugh and gave me ideas to improve my karate. His speed and power with the nunchuks are awesome!
Yagi Sensei is the chief instructor at Gibo Dojo and is extremely knowledgeable. His talks on technique and style always make me think more carefully about how I can view karate in a more advanced way and explore both the technical and spiritual aspects of karate. I feel very grateful for his analysis and recommendations. His speed and power are exceptional and amazing to watch.
Master Gibo is truly a karate legend, but also one of the most wonderful persons I have ever met. When I first met him I was instantly welcomed by his warmth and friendly attitude. He explains karate in a quiet but firm voice and always provides careful observation and analysis of my style and technique. He patiently pointed out my mistakes and showed me how to correct them. Any nervousness I had was easily forgotten as I concentrated on his corrections.
I enjoyed my training at Gibo Dojo very much and am sad to leave. But I have learned so much and will be practicing very hard to advance my style and technique. I feel very honored to train at Gibo Dojo and have the opportunity meet such wonderful and talented people. I am looking forward to my next visit.
”I highly recommend that any karate enthusiasts of any grade and style should contact Mrs. Yukie Gibo to arrange a karate experience of a lifetime at the Gibo Dojo. They will benefit from both fantastic karate training as well as a rich introduction to Okinawa culture and friendship. They will not be disappointed.”
■留学生: パネンドラ・オジャ Phanendra Ojha
■留学期間: 約6ヶ月 2010年4月17日〜10月7日
■国 籍: ネパール
■職 業: 警察官
■内 容 : ネパールにない小林流の型を修得、空手の知識も深め
■きっかけ: ネパールカトマンズで日本語学校を経営している日本人女性
■流 派: ネパールで主流の朱東流
■ジョセフ・マルチノ Joseph Martino
2012年10月〜 |
【留学期間: 2週間】
■ミゲル・エステバン カドライト ドセティ
Mr.Miguel Esteban Kadwrytte Dossetti
■沖縄の観光協会からの問い合わせで 生活支援教会に滞在中
世界中を旅するミゲルは人類学者で マヤ歴に詳しく
地球の未来について 熱く語ってくれた 人情味あふれるキャラクター |